

Transparency Clause

the FGCollective is a social purpose corporation. We are not a 501(c)3.

A social purpose corporation is profitable while generating an extraordinary social or environmental contribution. This model allows us to work freely as a service and product provider that can generate its own funds in a sustainable way to fulfil our cause without the need to ask for donations.

The majority of our profits are reinvested into social impact initiatives.

This doesn’t mean that we donate exclusively to not-for-profit organizations or foundations. We invest in research, generate employment, cover hard costs for those in need, pay for public space art interventions, social awareness exhibitions and collaborate with grassroot programs that have a direct and sustainable social impact among others.

We keep the freedom to decide where and how we give back. Our causes vary and we want to explore, learn, be flexible and adjust accordingly where we think we will impact the most.

Our project’s premise is clear: we do what we love and use art as the catalyst to combine profit with purpose. We tie each project to a measurable social impact initiative, support artists and our client’s objectives in order to create a win-win scenario for all. What moves us is the nature of our projects and, when we can hit on all “fronts” – inspire, create, amplify, share – it’s pure magic.

We will audit our financial and impact statements by an independent entity on an annual basis and publish our results here.

We would be delighted to explain any aspect in further detail. If you have any doubts regarding how we give, please contact us, here.